Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms - Chapter 1774: Total Annihilation
Chen Xiaobei took out tens of millions of low-grade Spiritual Stones from his Infinite Space Ring. He then injected two million into each of the five Earth-God Instruments that he just acquired.
“Oh god… Isn’t that man in the black robe the one who ran out of Spiritual Stones earlier…? Where did he get such a huge amount of Spiritual Stones in such a short period of time?!” shouted Third Wangye who sounded fearful.
Currently, Third Wangye was being attacked by thousands of evil spirits. All those evil spirits were one level weaker than the him and would suffer critical injuries whenever he landed a heavy blow on them.
The demon that stood on top of the coffin had been constantly releasing streams of Black Qi to all the evil spirits. The Black Qi in question helped with rapidly healing their injuries. With that being said, this made the red robed ghouls were practically invincible!
As for the Third Wangye, as long as he kept on drawing Spiritual Qi from the Spiritual Path to himself, he would never lose the battle. However, he could think of nothing else to alleiviate the situation as he focussed all his attention on dealing with the thousands of evil spirits.
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It was the similar situation with Eighth, Fifth and, Ninth Wangye as well. In other words, the battle was now left stagnant.
Now, the fine balancing act was about to break as Chen Xiaobei took out tens of millions of Spiritual Stones!
“Shit… We are so done… Just now, the five Spiritual Lights from our Earth-God Instruments managed to slow down the attack of thousands of evil spirits! Now, we are left with three Earth-God Instruments! That would mean all those evil spirits can jump at us anytime now!” shouted Fifth Wangye.
The moment he finished, Fifth Wangye’s worst fears actually happened.
Thousands of evil spirits that were hovering in the sky dismissed the three Spiritual Lights and charged at the remaining Wangye like a volley of arrows. It would be an almost impossible task for the Wangye to handle so many attacks all at once.
“Why is our big brother not here yet… I don’t think I can hold on any longer…”
Left in utter despair, Ninth Wangye could feel that he was about to be shredded into pieces like Fourth and Sixth Wangye. However, what scared him the most was not the 3,000 evil spirits!
“Big brother! Help us! We are all going to die if the man in the black robe unleashes the power of all five Earth-God Instruments!” shouted the Ninth Wangye.
Even the mostly-calm Eighth Wangye had put on a look of despair.
“Not five! It’s six!”
A loud shrilling sound could be heard echoing in the sky. The dormant Chaos Blood Sword launched into the sky aimed at Eighth Wangye’s head.
Immediately, Eighth Wangye started to absorb Spiritual Qi from the Spiritual Path at lightning speed. He needed them to fight off 3,000 evil spirits and to also deal with the Chaos Blood Sword. Most importantly, Chen Xiaobei might even land him a surprise attack which was why he needed to keep his guard at 100%.
All five of Chen Xiaobei’s Earth-God Instruments unleashed five rays of Spiritual Light. Instead of aiming at Eighth Wangye, Chen Xiaobei aimed at the other three Wangye. Baffled, none of them had expected Chen Xiaobei to pull such an unexpected move.
The first ray of Spiritual Light landed on Ninth Wangye. Amongst all the Wangye, he had the weakest cultivation. The sudden attack had forced him to drop his Earth-God Instrument. Seeing a chance to attack, all the evil spirits rushed to him and instantly shredded him to pieces.
The second and third Spiritual Light landed on Fifth Wangye, of whom had a slightly more powerful cultivation than Ninth Wangye. As expected, Fifth Wangye ended up with the same fate as Ninth Wangye. Right now, only Third and Eighth Wangye were the ones still alive.
“Third Brother, be careful! The rest of the Spiritual Lights will definitely charge at you!” shouted Eighth Wangye.
“I know!”
Feeling nervous, Third Wangye quickly turned his full attention to the Spiritual Lights and prepared to defend against it.
To their surprise, Chen Xiaobei did not take aim at Third Wangye. Instead, he pounted the Spiritual Light at Second and Seventh Wangye that had fled the battlefield earlier!
Considering that Chen Xiaobei had taken away their Earth-God Instruments, they were no more than sitting ducks waiting to be butchered. The two of them were killed on the spot by the Spiritual Light.
“Ah… Help… Help…”
Outside the battlefield, the remaining princes started to run as fast as possible hoping they would live to see tomorrow.
“What… What in the world is going on? What have we done to the man in the black robe? Why did he insist on killing us…?”
Eighth and Third Wangye were left in extreme shock.
The five Earth-God Instruments each consumed another two million Spiritual Stones and was on the ready to launch their attacks at Third Wangye, the most powerful amongst them all.
Just as Chen Xiaobei had suspected, the Third Wangye was not powerful enough to withstand the combined attack of five Earth-God Instruments.
He was decimated within seconds!
As of now, Eighth Wangye was the only survivor left. Chen Xiaobei then picked up the remaining three Earth-God Instruments. In total, he now had eight Earth-God Instruments fighting for him! Eighth Wangye had lost it completely when he saw that all his allies had been killed by Chen Xiaobei.